Tab Menu
Just insert the below code into the BODY section of your page where you wish the menu to appear: <!--Links used to initiate the sub menus. Pass in the desired submenu index numbers (ie: 0, 1) --> <a href="" onMouseover="showit(0)">JavaScript Kit</a> | <a href="" onMouseover="showit(1)">Freewarejava</a><br> <!-- Edit the dimensions of the below, plus background color--> <ilayer width=400 height=32 name="dep1" bgColor="#E6E6FF"> <layer name="dep2" width=400 height=32> </layer> </ilayer> <div id="describe" style="background-color:#E6E6FF;width:400px;height:32px" onMouseover="clear_delayhide()" onMouseout="resetit(event)"></div> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> /* T...